最初认识这个“Bolgheri”产区是因为Sassicaia, 在香港没有人不识的意大利酒,名庄当然还包括Masseto,Ornellaia,过$1000-$5000 不等。当亲身探访过,就感受到这区好有潜力! 从 I Greppi 负责人Dale 得知,葡萄田近10年地价升了超过10倍,各酒庄都非常看好这产区的发展。 I Greppi 暂时只5个人,全部都是年轻一代,2017年时看倒这Bolgheri 的潜力,决定在这里大展拳脚!其中一名地质学家是由美国请过来的,可见相当着重数据的分析,以下系I Greppi 的愿景:
“We are a group of wine lovers, scientists, geologists, economists and horticulturalists, who think about wine making differently. Using our expertise, we look to the past, as well as the present and future, so that our wines will be constantly evolving and improving. Our understanding of the rocks and soils, the very basis of terroir, helps us to understand why the Etruscans first developed wine in this region millennia ago. Our viniculture is incorporating the newest scientific techniques and research from the Napa Valley in California, so that our wines will be continually evolving and improving. Together with the vineyard’s traditional Italian winemaking heritage, our goal is to make great taste accessible, and share our knowledge and the story behind every bottle.”
体会到酒庄融合了加州Napa Valley的最新科学技术和研究成果,将葡萄酒不断发展和完善, 更结合意大利葡萄酒的酿造传统!
整个Bolgheri占地只有1000 公顷,而I Greppi 占地28公顷,当中14公顷还在发展中,在Bolgheri 占地排第10左右。
正所谓贵精不贵多,酒庄暂时只专心做好2款酒: Greppicante Bolgheri Rosso 和 Greppicaia Bolgheri Superiore,产量分别系80000支和10000支; 2款酒的葡萄都是Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon 和Cabernet Franc, 而葡萄比例不同和放木桶的时间都不一样! 入口第一感觉“好波尔多”,同时又带着意大利式的狂野,第二感觉是适合阵存,尤其是这支Greppicaia Bolgheri Superiore, 我觉得放10年会更好饮用!
I Greppi 的酒标很容易认,在Bolgheri 的中心地带有2个湖,而I Greppi 的葡萄田就是围着2个湖而种,值得一提的是,距离名庄 Ornellaia 的葡萄田,不足 0.5 KM,地形都相当接近; 海洋性气候,离地中海亦只有5公里!
2021-03-13 11:53:52