一、荣获The Wine Advocate杂志评定“90分”第149期 10/31/2003出版 二、荣获圣地牙哥联合论坛报The San Diego Union Tribune评定“92分” 酒评家Robert Whitley于该报On Wine专栏 6/16/2004誉为上升之星 “The star is in ascent for this country’s cabernet…” 三、阿根廷BuscaPe(2007 buscape.com.ar)网站公告市场酒品价格调查 Enzo Bianchi 1999:$216/bottle Enzo Bianchi 2000:$184/bottle 四、英国Decanter Magzine杂志称誉Enzo Bianchi是Cabernet品种之中的领先者 6/17/2004出版 "Bianchi may be emerging as the Cabernet leader. Its limited production in 2002 Particular and 2001 Enzo Bianchi are ultra-ripe, supple and so soft in tannins…” 五、Enzo Bianchi 2000荣获Gismondi on Wine杂志评定“89分” 89/100 Enzo Bianchi Cabernet Sauvignon Grand Cru 2000 Last Tasted: 2003-09-16 by AG 六、Enzo Bianchi 2001荣获酒评家国际葡萄酒大赛“白金奖”Platinum Award The Critics Challenge International Wine Competition 2006 七、Enzo Bianchi 2002荣获Decanter杂志网站(2007)decanter.com推荐“4颗星”4/5 stars Recommendations/Decater Panel Tasting:Argentina Cabernet Sauvignon Enzo Bianchi Cabernet Sauvignon 2002 八、(2007)FineWineHouse.com网站称誉Enzo Bianchi 2002具有“卓越的个性”、“完美的果味”、“肉桂、巧克力、樱桃、黑胡椒气息” “A harmonious, velvety wine of good and prominent personality... There is excellent concentration of ripe fruit on the nose and in the mouth, with a final, lingering taste of cassis, chocolate, cherry and black pepper.